Monday, March 22, 2010

"come sit a spell" : woodshop and construction of bench

This project began in the beginning of the semester. Our studio entered the "Come Sit a Spell" contest which was to design a seating element for the Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens in Charlotte, North Carolina. Later in the semester the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden faculty selected our whole studio and provided our studio with an opportunity to build our proposed design which would be placed in a 6 month exhibit in the Garden.

measuring the width of the platforms:

cutting the platforms which create the seating :

using the jointer to even out the edges:
cutting the platform sides:
construction of supports:
construction of platforms:
lower benches:


stained platforms:

I assembled the bench upside down for easier assembly:

final bench:

I placed pieces of wood where the platforms met, for easier on-site assembly:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

what a wonderful pics of making wood bench,Nice post.
Dining Table